Members meet the standards and criteria as laid down by the Association for Full and Student Membership and must hold or be studying a minimum of a Diploma in a Counselling related field prior to being eligible for Counsellors Victoria membership.
Members are encouraged to be a member of their industry umbrella associations or be following policies, procedures and Codes of Conduct of their place of employment.
Classes of Membership
Membership of the Counsellors Victoria consists of two levels:
- Full Member
- Student Member
Benefits of Membership
- Professional Development Program
- Networking with Peers
- Workshops (at members rates)
- Monthly Meetings
- Membership Certificate
Membership Application
Please note: to apply for membership to this Association, you must meet the criteria of holding a Diploma or higher in Counselling related studies or be studying such a course.
Members are encouraged to be members of their relevant industry’s umbrella body to abide by their Code of Ethics or be guided by policies, procedures and Codes of Conduct of their place of employment.
Each member will receive a Membership Certificate.
Pro-Rata Membership Fees
1st July to 30th June: $70.00 (Full member) / $40.00 (Student)
1st October to 30th June: $50.00 (Full member) / $30.00 (Student)
1st January to 30th June: $35.00 (Full member) / $20.00 (Student)
1st April to 30th June: $20.00 (Full member) / $10.00 (Student)
To apply for Counsellors Victoria membership, please complete the Application Form by clicking on either of the buttons below.
Supporting Documentation
Once you have completed the application form; please email together with all required supporting documentation to:
If preferred, the completed form and documentation can be mailed to:
Lesley Stevenson
PO Box 1005
Seaford VIC 3198
Any queries regarding this application can be directed to Lesley Stevenson, Membership Officer on 0410 497 221 or by email:
Please be aware that it may take up to four weeks for your application to be processed.
Please use the following bank details for your membership fee payments:
Bendigo Bank
Name: Counsellors Victoria Inc
BSB: 633 108
Account: 120 414 073
Reference: Your Name
**Please email confirmation of your payment to Lesley Stevenson, Membership Officer